Second-hand or new apartment?

Newly built and second-hand properties have their advantages and disadvantages, and the choice depends on many factors. Here are some considerations to help you decide

Second-hand Property:


  1. Price: You can usually buy second-hand properties at lower prices than the newly built ones.
  2. Established neighborhood: second-hand properties are usually located in already established neighborhoods, so they can be close to schools, shops, and public transportation options.
  3. Greater variety: second-hand properties can be available in a wide variety of styles, sizes and layouts, so there are more apartments and houses to choose from.


  1. Condition: second-hand properties often need renovations or repairs, which may mean additional costs.
  2. Hidden problems: There may be hidden problems, such as structural or plumbing problems, that can only be discovered later.
  3. Limited warranty: second-hand properties usually have fewer warranties than the newly built properties.


Newly Built Property:


  1. Modern design: Newly built properties usually have modern designs and facilities that meet the modern expectations.
  2. Costs: Newly built properties have lower maintenance costs and can generally be more energy efficient, which can save you money in the long run.
  3. Warranty: Newly built properties often come with a longer warranty, which may provide peace of mind and security for the new owner.


All in all, the choice depends on your individual preferences, your financial situation and current situation. It is important to carefully consider both options and take into account the purpose of the property, the neighbourhood and the available budget.


  1. Higher price: Newly built properties are usually sold at higher prices than the second-hand properties.
  2. Waiting time: When choosing newly built property, we may need to wait until the construction is completed, which may cause inconvenience.
  3. Undeveloped neighborhood: Newly built properties are often located in new residential areas, which means that we must accept the undeveloped neighbourhoods.
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